First and foremost deuterium depleted water is the best tool to remove deuterium from the body and protect the mitochondria, specifically the ATP Synthase nano motors, that are the most damaged by deuterium inside the mitochondria.
These nano motors produce the basic energy we need for life so protecting them is the most important health strategy one can take.
A body depleted in deuterium enjoys a stronger immune system and greater self healing ability. Deuterium, whether you already knew it or not, is a major contaminant to our mitochondria and damages our DNA. It occurs naturally, but it slows us down and causes us to age. And its in all water on Earth. Decreasing deuterium by drinking Deuterium Depleted Water (DDW) optimizes all cellular processes.
Numerous studies reveal the immuno-protective, anti-inflammatory and life extending benefits of deuterium depleted water. (1)(2)
A deuterium depleted body has more energy, more self healing ability, a stronger immune system, and a greater ability for protection and self repair.
This is why we call Source-water a "Fountain of Youth". Source-water is the most deuterium depleted water on the planet. Soon it will take its crown as humanity's number one geroprotector.(3) No other water will give you a net energy benefit. All other water puts more deuterium in your body and makes you age a little more…this is why cells becoming dehydrated no matter how much water you drink! Deuterium depleted water is an unprecedented scientific breakthrough, but it is difficult to make.(4) We have a special production facility in Queensland where we will be producing Source-water, at the moment in can only be imported from overseas.
We are a forming a new company and you are among the first to learn about the benefits of deuterium depletion. If you would like to know when Australian produced Source-water will be available please add your email to the follow up list by clicking here.
To find out more about about Deuterium and particularly it's link with Cancer click here.
(1) Research concerning the radioprotective and immunostimulating effects of deuterium-depleted water.
Bild W1, Stefanescu I, Haulica I, Lupuşoru C, Titescu G, Iliescu R, Nastasa V.Rom J Physiol. 1999 Jul-Dec;36(3-4):205-18.
(2) Changes of oxidation during use the food diet with deuterium depleted water in laboratory animals with purulent inflammation
Oxana Artsybasheva 1 , Ekaterina Barysheva 2 , Denis Shashkov 1 , Roman Vlasov 1 , Elena Tekutskaya 1 1 Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia 2 Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar, Russia. ISSN 2304-3415, Russian Open Medical Journal 2014; 3: 0201 1 DOI: 10.15275/rusomj.2014.0201
(3) Some Systemic Effects of Deuterium Depleted Water on Presenile Female Rats
Dzhimak S S, Shikhliarova A I, Zhukova G V, Basov A A, Kit O I, et al., Jundishapur J Nat Pharm Prod. 2018 ; 13(3):e83494. doi: 10.5812/jjnpp.83494.
(4) A Brief History of Deuterium Depleted Water. Victor Sagalovsky, Copyright 2019.
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