Health and Powerlines
The body continually receives and retransmits Electro Magnetic (EM) energy from every part of every cell to every part of the surface of the body. In fact, every system in your body runs on EM, from your cellular metabolism to your heartbeat to your ability to pull up a memory. [...]
EM exchange and the human body
The body continually receives and retransmits Electro Magnetic (EM) energy. The body may be considered as a dielectric. Every part of the dielectric participates in the absorption and emission of each photon to and from any point on the surface. The reflected field from a dielectric material is not generated just [...]
One need not fall in love, one must rise through love. Pour out floods of love, yet keeping your garment of detachment from being wet. Question: Can love exceed wisdom or can wisdom exceed love? What happens in either case? Is love measured according to love, or is wisdom measured [...]
What is phase conjugation?
Phase conjugation is originally and classically understood in the optics literature. You take pairs of laser beams precisely approaching in opposite directions. If they meet (and conjugate') perfectly - then at the center - they Phase Conjugate. So how do lasers meet to conjugate? When they meet in precise opposing [...]
What is negentropy?
Negentropy as far as I can tell is defined about the same way as SELF ORGANIZATION. So to discover the origin of self organizing systems is to discover the origin of negentropy. Entropy at a crude level is generally considered movement toward disorder or chaos. So the amount of entropy [...]
Fractal Space Time
Dan Winter’s new book presents the most compelling and systematic scientific evidence to date that fractality in space and time is the specific mechanism and cause of gravity, biologic negentropy, life force, perception, and human bliss. Although several hugely famous authors have already presented their books on fractality in time [...]
The Priore (Healing) Machine and Phase Conjugation
A Non-Technical Description of the Priore Process from Tom Beardon's notes In the 1960's and 1970's, in France Antoine Priore built and tested electromagnetic healing machines of startling effectiveness. In hundreds and hundreds of rigorous tests with laboratory animals, Priore's machine cured a wide variety of the most difficult kinds [...]
What is the “Theraphi Device”
The Theraphi is an electronic device for creating a radiative bio-active plasma field. The inspiration for the creation of this device is based on the famous pioneering efforts of Nica Tesla, George Lakhovsky, Royal Raymond Rife and especially Antione Priore in France. The science behind this new technology has already [...]
The Process
The Theraphi process is a holistic, non-invasive method during which the cells of the body are restored to a healthier state. The actual healing system is the body’s own cellular regeneration system. Biological systems use longitudinal EM waves. The Theraphi system tailors these specific wave forms generating a rich information [...]