Most music worldwide has been tuned to 440 hertz since the International Standards Organisation (ISO) endorsed it in 1953. The recent rediscoveries of the vibratory / oscillatory nature of the universe indicate that this contemporary international concert pitch standard may generate an unhealthy effect or anti-social behaviour in the consciousness of human beings.
A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432 Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature.
Founder of 432 Design, LLC, Buturff has based his research premise and material around the complex analysis and understanding of 432 Hertz, which has been scientifically demonstrated by Buturff and his colleagues to represent the literal frequency of the human crown chakra. Actually, Jamie has validated and brought to light the hertz translation of the all five of the chakra points, all of which have been demonstrably proved in FDA-approved laboratories as controlled and professional scientific experiments. The document can be viewed here, and the table reads:
Crown – 216 / 432 / 864 Hertz – A (musical note tuning)
Third Eye – 144 / 288 / 576 Hertz – D (musical note tuning)
Throat – 192 / 384 / 768 Hertz – G (musical note tuning)
Heart – 128 / 256 / 512 Hertz – C (musical note tuning)
Solar Plexus – 182 / 364 / 728 – F Sharp (musical note tuning)
Sacral – 303 / 606 / 1212 Hertz – E Flat (musical note tuning)
Root – 228 / 456 / 912 – B flat (musical note tuning)
The study, conducted at the Centre for Biofield Medicines in Pune, India, can be seen in its entirety here.
This, in conjunction with the full extent of Buturff’s research, conclusively confirm these hertz tones. The scientific study confirms that these frequencies had a large spectrum of advanced therapeutic potential for biological life, especially when these frequencies were directed towards their ascribed bodily chakra points for therapy. Essentially, this study confirmed the tuning capability that these frequencies have on the chakra points.
So what is 440 Hertz
First it is said that the change from 432 Hz to 440 Hz was dictated by Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. He used it to make people think and feel a certain manner, and to make them a prisoner of a certain consciousness. Then around 1940 the United States introduced 440 Hz worldwide, and finally in 1953 it became the ISO 16-standard.
440 Hz is the unnatural standard tuning frequency, removed from the symmetry of sacred vibrations and overtones that has declared war on the subconscious mind of Western Man. You just have to go out in the street and take a look around. What do you see? School kids, young adults on their way to work, a woman pushing her baby in a pram, a man walking his dog – and what do they all have in common? iPods or MP3 Players! Ingenious, isn't it? The powers that be are successfully lowering the vibrations of not only the young generation but the rest of us as well. These destructive frequencies en-train the thoughts towards disruption, disharmony and disunity. Additionally, they also stimulate the controlling organ of the body - the brain - into disharmonious resonance, which ultimately creates disease and war.
The difference between 432 Hz and 440 Hz. Hear it, understand it.
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