The Theraphi device works by producing a powerful bio-active field. Precise electromagnetic frequencies derived from hydrogen and phi-ratio harmonics are modulated and pass through a unique mixture of noble gases. The resulting super coherent plasma wave field restores order to the body's cellular regenerative system, reversing the entropy of the disease process.
Find out more from the following post: What is the "Theraphi Device"?
The Theraphi process is a holistic, non-invasive method during which the cells of the body are restored to a healthier state. The actual healing system is the body's own cellular regeneration system. Biological systems use longitudinal EM waves. The Theraphi system tailors these specific wave forms generating a rich information field. This kind of strong charge field is by definition simply the electrical opposite of swelling, cyst and tumour growth. It is also known for increasing circulation and sensation in areas where these have been limited or lost.
The first session takes between 45 mins and an hour with subsequent sessions with the Theraphi lasting approximately 15 minutes although this can vary depending on your needs however the actual time you sit in the bio-active field is only somewhere from 3 to 5 minutes.
Most people feel very relaxed and tranquil during a session. It’s recommended to think of a single intention during a session, generally focusing on overcoming whatever challenge you are facing. There is little question that our thoughts and emotions can affect our health, wellness or healing process in a positive or negative way. People who focus on a single intention repeatedly, tell us they feel rejuvenated, more mental clarity, happier and typically sleep better. Under normal recommended use, the Theraphi will typically cause no undesirable side effects. In some cases, there can be a detoxification effect, which is a confirmation that toxins are being released and discharged from the body. It is recommended that people increase water intake when utilizing the Theraphi. If you are healthy you may not have any physical reaction at all. However, reactions can vary from individual to individual.
Note: NO person should enter within the Theraphi field (within 4-8 feet) - who has any electronic device inside - or on their body. Additionally because controlled tests and studies are still being run, we cannot yet warrant the safety for persons with metal implants (even without electronics). However we HAVE had successful experiences with both stainless and titanium metal (NOT electronics) implants. We strongly recommend that any exposure for a person with metal in their body be done for a very short test period and discontinued is any discomfort is felt.
Be sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and afterwards. Consuming adequate amounts of water is extremely important to support any detoxification that may take place. In addition, you may benefit from getting extra rest.
It is also important to refrain from alcohol, or illegal drugs use 3 days prior to your sessions and for at least one weeks afterwards. Alcohol (or illegal drugs) all contain toxins that may interfere with the repair process taking place in the body and add to the load of any detoxification that may take place. If this is not possible, at least stop during the sessions themselves.
You are recommended to remove all outer clothing, the less the better and to wear only loose fitting natural fabrics (cotton, hemp etc). Note sweaters and fabrics which are fluffy - dissipate capacitance in a way which is not helpful here.
You should enter within the Theraphi field (within 4-8 feet) if you have any electronic device internal or external to your body. Please also carefully remove all metal from the body- if at all possible (belt buckles, metal wires in bras, jewelry etc.)
In general we cannot yet warrant the safety for persons with metal implants (even without electronics). We HAVE had successful experiences with both stainless and titanium metal (NOT electronics) implants. HOWEVER we strongly recommend that any exposure for a person with metal in their body be done for a very short test period and discontinued is any discomfort is felt.

Most people notice that the Theraphi process rapidly decreases or eliminates pain. Pain is simply a signal from the body for more energy. It's like when the workers run out of charged batteries, they aren't able to complete their work, so it builds up. They sit around with nothing to do maybe become grumpy and complain. However when you charge their tools, the complaining stops and they go back to work. First they have to get to the backlog of tasks that have piled up, so they need power support during this time. If you stop charging the tools before the work is completed, the complaining, that is the pain – will resume albeit at a reduced level.
Bill’s Theraphi experience
Literally for the first time in 3 years. The pain returned a couple days later only at a much reduced level and continues to get better each day. I really sense that all the wear and tear and the injury itself seem to be regenerating!